Thursday, December 31, 2009


Historically, I have not not been one for making New Year resolutions. The custom has become synthetic — body guilt materialized into gym memberships, a promise to quit the habit, try harder, be more — bargains with the baby fat of a new start. But there is something about this year that shakes off the commercial and compunctious, and inspires a more empirical resolve toward positivity. I look around at the beautiful people in my life, all working hard to make change and better acquaint themselves with kindness, and I am reminded that while we draw up future goals we should take equal time to love and nurture ourselves, taking stock in what we've accomplished.

There is a great Mark Doty quote from his slim contemplative volume, Still Life with Oysters and Lemon, that reads "I am learning to accept the flux and revision time and experience invariably make, but I am also learning to love what I wish to keep the same, something that nothing in my life has taught me until now; learning, that is, not to let go but hold on." We hold on, not in hope of permanence, but so we can be reminded. Of place, of purpose. "Evidence, thus, that tenderness and style are still the best gestures we can make in the face of death."

Lets put that last line to work this year, shall we? Here's to all the fabulous friends in my life, and their amazing sense of style.

2010 here we come.

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